Why Hallen

Foundation For Success

When a student’s success in the home school is questioned, parents turn to The Hallen School for their child’s education.

The Hallen School is one of many New York State Education Department approved and funded private schools which fall into the category of least restrictive environment on the continuum of services required to be offered by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

At The Hallen School, children are given the services that he or she needs on a daily basis. We strive to meet each student’s goals on an individual basis so they may achieve maximum success in education and social relationships.

Is Hallen School Right For My Child?

The Hallen School may be the ideal setting for your child.  We offer many services:  Speech and Language, Counseling, and Occupational Therapy.  In addition to our special courses, such as Art, Health, Music and Physical Education, we implement the TEACCH program for children who are diagnosed to have characteristics found on the Autism Spectrum.  Many of our students participate in the Regents Exam as classes specifically designed for the Regents Exams are offered here.

Diplomas and Credentials


All students have the opportunity to graduate with a Regents Diploma, however, for some; the Local Diploma along with the new Career Development an Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential is the most appropriate choice.


For those students participating in the New York State Alternative Assessments, the Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential is the appropriate option.

Transition Programs

As our students grow older, the focus of education turns to success after The Hallen School.

Transition planning (required at age 15), which includes the development of a Career plan, forms the basis of New York's new High School Credential option for Students with Disabilities. The new Career Development an Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential  aligns with the existing programs that give Hallen students real life work experience.

The Book Nook program and the STARS (Student Training in a Retail Store) program are functional stores located in the school. Students are able to participate in these programs as well as other work based learning opportunities in area businesses. The Hallen School has established and maintained several job shadowing, community service and internships working with our community partners. (See Pre Vocational Programs)

Years of successful interventions for students from New York City and Westchester County spiral the school’s reputation for excellence in meeting students special needs.

For further information please contact our admissions department at admissions@thehallenschool.net .

New York State private elementary school