The Hallen School will be closed for Winter Break February 17th - 21st.
Classes will resume on February 24th.
La Escuela Hallen estará cerrada por las vacaciones de invierno del 17 al 21 de febrero.
Las clases se reanudarán el 24 de febrero.
New SafeArrival System for Student Attendance Reporting
Ensuring that every student arrives safely at school each day is one of our top priorities. To streamline our attendance process, we are launching SafeArrival, a new student absence reporting system. SafeArrival allows you to report absences via mobile app, website, or toll-free phone line. This will save time for our staff and enable faster notifications if your student is absent without prior notice.
With SafeArrival, you’ll be notified promptly by phone, text, email, or app if your student’s absence hasn’t been explained. The system will continue reaching out until the absence is confirmed.
SafeArrival, part of our SchoolMessenger system from PowerSchool, is available 24/7 for your convenience.
Expect more details on signing up soon. We’re excited to make this process easier for all families!
Nuevo Sistema SafeArrival para Reporte de Asistencia Estudiantil
Garantizar que todos los estudiantes lleguen seguros a la escuela cada día es una de nuestras mayores prioridades. Para optimizar nuestro proceso de asistencia, estamos lanzando SafeArrival, un nuevo sistema de reporte de ausencias. SafeArrival le permite reportar ausencias a través de una aplicación móvil, sitio web o línea telefónica gratuita. Esto ahorrará tiempo al personal y permitirá notificaciones más rápidas si su estudiante está ausente sin aviso previo.
Con SafeArrival, recibirá una notificación rápida por teléfono, mensaje de texto, correo electrónico o aplicación si la ausencia de su estudiante no ha sido explicada. El sistema continuará contactándole hasta que se confirme la ausencia. SafeArrival, parte de nuestro sistema SchoolMessenger de PowerSchool, está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, para su conveniencia.
Pronto recibirá más detalles sobre cómo inscribirse. ¡Estamos emocionados de hacer que este proceso sea más fácil para todas las familias!
The Hallen School is a New York State Education Department approved and funded private school (special education school) for students ranging from 5 to 21 years of age.
Specially designed instructional programming is aligned to meet the needs of students diagnosed on the autism spectrum, with speech and language impairments, significant learning disabilities and other health impairments, including emotional difficulties.
Parents / Guardians,
Please email any questions or concerns regarding student transportation to
The Hallen School is excited to welcome everyone to the 2024-2025 school year! The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 3, 2024. We look forward to seeing all our students.
Enroll Today
At its capacity, the school enrolls 320 students. Admission is based on established criteria to allow for maximum effective and efficient school programs designed to address the needs of the students.
Go Further
Students are able to graduate from the Hallen School with a Regents diploma or Local diploma as well as Career Development an Occupational Studies (CDOS) Commencement Credential or Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential based on their individual goals.